Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Violety's Evil Duplicate

So I was sitting in one of our lawn chairs when Violety appeared.. but then Violety came in again holding a cup of hot cocoa! I didn't know which one was real... so I hopped out of the lawn chair and asked them which one was real. "I am." They both said it at the same time, so I asked again, more politely this time, and got the same answer. Then the Violety holding the cocoa screamed, as the other one tied me and the real Violety to the lawn chair. The evil duplicate lauged evily and we got transported to a haunted house! Violety's duplicate threw us into a cupboard. Then the others came in! We were saved... for a minute. They didn't know where we were! Fortunately, the cupboard was old and dusty! I let out a huge sneeze that shook the cupboard, and Kinny came over and tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside and me and Violety didn't have anything to pick the lock! I sneezed again, this time so loud that it broke the cupboard into pieces! We were free... but then the duplicate came and locked us in a bigger, dustier cupboard- all of us! And this one was locked from the outside! I sneezed so loud that the house blew apart, but the cupboard was sneeze-proof, so the cupboard didn't open. Luckily, Kany is allergic to cupboards! We both sneezed at the same time and the cupboard blew apart! Kany and me sneezed so hard that the evil duplicate exploded! We ran home screaming, and we were safe! Whew.

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